XD Games has launched the final closed Bata beta for the upcoming dungeon crawler Torchlight Infinite, a classic loot-based ARPG available on PC, Android and iOS, offering players five customizable character to explore the world. So this article will give players a detailed introduction to the details of Torchlight Infinite finally entering the Open Bata test on Android. Players can prepare enough Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium for the arrival of Torchlight Infinite in advance.
About Torchlight Infinite
For those unfamiliar with the game, Torchlight Infinite was originally the work of developer Runic Games, which made two games in the series before closing in 2017. Nine months later, publisher Perfect World has teamed up with developer Echtra Games for a third game, to be released in 2020.
And now Torchlight Infinite, developed by XD Inc., takes the series’ dungeon-crawling mode and revamps it to fit the free-to-play mode. The game is billed as a true loot-based ARPG that reflects the love fans have for this genre. Dedicated to capturing the feel and spirit of Runic Games’ original Torchlight Infinite series, Torchlight Infinite promises action-packed dungeon crawling, unforgettable heroes, tons of build customization possibilities, and, of course, lots of loot. The treasure in Torchlight Infinite cannot be ignored.
Torchlight Infinite Finally Enters Open Bata Testing On Android
Torchlight Infinite Public Beta is now live on the Play Store. If players couldn’t get into the closed beta last month, the game is now open to everyone. So, if Diablo Immortal isn’t quite enough for your ARPG needs, Torchlight Infinite could be a worthy contender. Because it’s cross-platform with PC, you can now download games from Steam as well. Players returning from the closed beta will find that all of their progress has been wiped, although they’ve been warned, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise. If you made a purchase using this account, you will need to log into the same account again in the public beta to get your money back.
When all player progress will be transferred to the game’s final release during the Open Beta, players will have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the infinite loot experience while enjoying the benefits of crafting special, powerful classes in Torchlight Infinite. In the challenge of the game, there is a dungeon with a lot of forbidden treasures, the ancient city of Ichi. Teamwork is very important to traverse such a place as the player eliminates the enemies standing between the treasures they seek as he is protected by various traps and enemies. Players can also work on important items, and there is also an in-game trading system within Torchlight Infinite to exchange items with other players. The rarer the equipment, the more unique and powerful the add-on.
This is the latest update for the Torchlight Infinite game, and if you want to take part in the closed Bata test, you can do so by downloading the game from Google Play on your Android device, PC players can check it out on Steam Playtest, and iOS players can check it out on the App Store Free to pre-order the game, it all requires Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium to help players buy in-game.