One of the main decorative items in the Destiny 2 Lost Festivals trailer is the mech armor set and its professional variants, it should be noted that all three sets of mech armor in Destiny 2 are purely decorative, which means that players can only use these armors to cover the existing equipment “illusion” items. This guide will show players how to get mech armor in Destiny 2, and players will also need to have enough Destiny 2 Silver in the game.
Where is the Mech Armor in Destiny 2
The mech armor used for Destiny 2’s Festival of the Lost event can be purchased at the Eververse store. All versions can be purchased using Silver, which players can purchase from the Eververse store or the appropriate marketplace where players play Destiny 2. Silver does require real-world money, so players cannot use receive this armor if they do not wish to use it. Since the armor is for decorative purposes only, there are no additional stats, but it can be placed on top of any armor worn by all in the game. The mech armor may reappear in a future Lost Fest event, but it may also be included in the event’s pack.
How to get Mech Armor in Destiny 2
To obtain mech-themed armor for this event level the store, as players will only be able to preview and purchase items related to the player’s current equipped level. Each armor set has its own unique style, so if players are lacking Bright Dust or tightening their wallets in all three areas, it’s a good idea to take a good look at all three options before making a decision.
Players can get Destiny 2’s newest mech set by redeeming Silver, the game’s currency, at the Eververse store. To find this feature, you can open the Director and select the Shop tab to purchase the 2022 Festival of the Lost holiday set for your class, including the Mechanized Protector Titan Bundle, the Mobile Exoskeleton Warlock Bundle and the Mechanized Scatter Hunter Bundle. Pack. These exclusive packs are priced at 1,500 silver coins, which is equivalent to $19.99 (This will give you approximately 2,300 silver coins.)
On the other hand, players can also spend thousands of Bright Dust to get the Mech Armor Set bundle. While this form of access is technically “free,” players must make sure these are the cosmetics they are willing to spend their hard-earned Bright Dust on. Fortunately, Guardians can participate in a number of seasonal challenges and rewards during the Lost Festival to earn some of the bonus Bright Dust in Destiny 2.
This is a specific guide to getting Mecha armor in Destiny 2. Players who would like to learn about other guides related to Destiny 2 should subscribe to NF17.com.