To improve their Battle Pass, Fortnite gives players new challenges to perform every week. A new Chrom Punk skin has been released to the game for players to obtain without charge, and Fortnitemares 2022 is now accessible to all players. Fortnite’s Battle Royale offers free chrom Punk skins that may be obtained; the process is straightforward and just requires 50 upgrades before January 1, 2023. This guide attempts to show players how to get free Chrom Punk skins in Fortnite. Players can also purchase enough Fortnite V-BUCKS to speed up the process of getting Chrom Punk skins.
What is the Chrom Punk skin in Fortnite
The Fortnitemares contest participants must be familiar with Chrom Punk skins. NPCs have assigned chrom Punk skins to the Halloween event as one of the chores, and players can purchase Chrome Punk’s zero pretzel effects at Flutter Barn. However, this time, the Chrom Punk skin is a part of the event as an outfit, and gamers can receive it for free by doing a few things. It will be accessible starting on November 1, 2022, and it will be updated to v22.20 by January 1, 2023. The black trench coat, brown boots, and punk head are its distinctive highlights as an unusual punk outfit and skin.
How to get the Chrom Punk skin in Fortnite
According to the Epic Games blog, you can get the new Halloween-themed Chrome Punk costume, loading screen and Back Bling by completing the following goals.
Earn 10 account levels (by January 1, 2023, 12am EST)
Bonus: Chromeseed Back Bling
25 account levels earned (by January 1, 2023, 12am EST)
Bonus: Graveyard Bash Loading Screen
50 account levels earned (by January 1, 2023, 12am EST)
Reward: Chrome Punk Set
Although getting to level 50 may seem challenging, players have two months to gain cosmetics. Players will be able to accomplish daily, weekly, and milestone tasks during this time, which will speed up their leveling in the game. Many players could find it challenging to level up 50 times, particularly after achieving level 200 in Chapter 3 of Season 4. However, Fortnite’s upgrading system and the ability to carry over the level 50 requirement from one season to the next are the reasons why Chrom Punk skins are simple to earn. Therefore, the information that follows will enable some gamers fast level up and get the Chrom Punk skin.
Enter the creative map
You can start by entering a unique, creative map, which gamers can use to get a lot of experience from. To access the imaginative game via private pairing, players must visit the game mode selection menu and choose the Island Code option. You won’t be able to gain experience points (XP) to obtain Chrom Punk skins if private mode is not selected.
Interacting with the AFK XP button
A big dome will be visible in the corner of the spawn area when the player first appears on the level, and the vault contains an XP Shop button. Go to the Tomato Head room after entering the XP Shop and interact with the AFK XP button to passively get XP.
Interact with the other two buttons
Use the Return to Arena button after clicking the AFK XP button, then search for the corresponding banner, construct the nine-story structure to the left of the banner, and then click the invisible button at the very end. The player must wait for the countdown to reset in a hidden room after pressing the invisible button, which will take them there. After finishing, click on the two buttons in the space to earn more experience points.
Players may earn Chrom Punk skins in Fortnite more quickly by following the aforementioned strategy, and they can subscribe to 600pu.com for additional Fortnite instructions.