Everything a player does in Cyberpunk 2077 is based on some stats or skills associated with the character, attributes in Cyberpunk 2077 are tied to a perk-filled skill tree, one of the hardest skills to level up is crafting . However, crafting is very useful throughout the game, so this guide aims to introduce players to how to level craft in Cyberpunk 2077, players can purchase the Cheap Cyberpunk 2077 EuroDollar to help upgrade crafting in the game.
Leveling Craft in Cyberpunk 2077: Perks
The best items to dismantle and reuse are those with uncommon or rare properties, which means that the biggest difficulty in leveling up this skill is collecting as many items as possible with the most useful parts. While working on upgrading their crafting, cyberpunk players should also invest in these perks below.
Edgerunner Artisan: Enables V to craft Legendary items.
Grease Monkey: Enables V to craft Epic items.
True Scotsman: Enables V to craft Rare items.
Workshop: Increases V’s chance of gaining a free component from dismantling by 5%.
Efficient Upgrades: Increases V’s chance of getting a free upgrade by 10%.
How to level up in Cyberpunk 2077
Crafting is often the most important skill in an RPG of the size and scope of Cyberpunk 2077, so make sure players stay focused on improving it, and level up as much as possible. To level up crafting in Cyberpunk 2077, players need to make sure to craft whatever they can. When you dismantle items, you also gain XP for your crafting skills.
While players can take advantage of a few glitches to upgrade the crafting, the natural way to level it up is still simple, and as it sounds, forging is all about deconstructing, building, and upgrading items. So the easiest and best way to improve your forging skills in Cyberpunk 2077 is to dismantle props instead of selling them, whether they’re gear, weapons, or junk shards. Fragments obtained from dismantling cyberpunk items are then used to build or upgrade other types of items.
You can go to any medical supply store and buy all of their inhalers and disassemble them into parts. You can then use these components to craft weapons and armor in Cyberpunk 2077. If you need money to pay for the components, you can cheat with the Cyberpunk 2077 Unlimited Money we found, or sell the components back to buy more inhalers.
If you were to restock the store, open your inventory and skip time 24 hours in the bottom left, the store will restock, including their money. Buy more inhalers and keep disassembling them so you can craft and upgrade weapons and armor. Using this method, you can get enough material for maximum forging in less than an hour.
This is the fastest way to level up in Cyberpunk 2077, and players who want to know more about leveling up in Cyberpunk 2077 can check out NF17.com.